Thursday, June 28, 2012

An Open Letter to Norman Hamann

Norman, can I call you Norman.  I will anyway.  Let me be are an idiot.  Twice now you have decided to make the news. This was the first time:

and this is the second time:


Are you totally insane?  By the looks of the numbers from WGME’s Facebook page, many think you are an idiot, others think the cops were.  Still others thought both parties were.  Either way it don’t matter, what you did is make an ass of yourself.  Did you learn nothing from your suspension from Staples?  Is your memory so short-term that you forget your past experiences?  And what is up with the YouTube name of BoyScout399 – no REAL Boy Scout would ever be such an idiot as this.  And this second video looks like something from the 1980’s of VH1 Pop-Up Video show.  Can you say lame? 

Seriously, you are now a law student?  What bank did you rob to afford to do this?  Or was this just a lie to the police to make yourself look less of a jerk?  Maybe this is why you unfriended me on both MySpace and Facebook, you knew you were a complete loser.

Hopefully the next time we read about you, you will be in prison.  After all, Scott Zimmerman needs a cellmate.


  1. That boy will never learn.

    I see the Boulevard incident wasn't recorded.

    1. The reason is probably that since it was recorded by tv channels like WGME 13, it wasn't his video. Although, he could probably get the video for his own use if he wanted. Just wave your gun around and get it free, it would probably work with NO implications for him!

  2. Honestly? I wish more people had his guts. At least he stood up for what he believes in and had the law to back him up.
